Friday, June 09, 2006

We have met the enemy and they are us!

We have met the enemy and they are us!

It's become more apparent to me of late that the conservative/capitalist cause is fighting the wrong battle. It pits itself continually against socialism as the greatest enemy to human progress. And yet, there is a much greater enemy to the cause of capitalism and conservatism. And if we do not recognized and deal with this enemy conservatism will always defeat itself first. Only then does socialism and communism rush in to fill the void.

And what is the enemy within our capitalist system? First, a simple reminder. Freedom is based on property, and property is the right that laborers have to the fruit of their own labors. This is a founding fundamental of our country. But in the practice of a capitalist society we continually offend this principle, with another more archaic principle, the principle of Aristocracy.

Can this really be? And what is Aristocracy? It is the right of property that a man has because of birth or class distinctions. And now, where do we most continually support and sustain the rights of aristocrats within this country?

I would submit that we most continually support this concept within the corporate governance structure. What strange irony isn't it? Corporations the centerpiece of Capitalist America, are not a capitalist concept at all. They are both Aristocratic and Socialistic in truth. They are Aristocratic in this sense: can a truthful person honestly suggest that the benefits aquired by Corporate Executive Officers are obtained by the fruit of their labors? Stated another way, in the last 20 years have corporate officers truly become so much more productive and capable that whereas 20 years ago they were "worth" 40 times the average corporate employee while now they are "worth" on average 330 times more than the average corporate employee? Obviously no. This has only happened because a clearly aristocratic structure is in place.

To represent the rights of property more properly within corporations, governance must be modified, with employees having a significant representation within the corporate Boards of Directors. As capitalism removes the enemy of Aristrocracy from within, the attractions of socialism and communism will fade. These systems attract the masses most deeply when Aristocracy has robbed property from the people. Ultimately when the thievery is too great, the people rebel and the property claimed by Aristocracy is reclaimed by class warfare in the form of socialism.


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