Friday, July 14, 2006

Middle Eastern Collusion with Terrorists.

This quote in WorldNetDaily from Walid Jumblati of Lebanon is interesting.

"They (Iran and Syria) are financially and militarily supporting Hezbollah. It is a known fact that this alliance from Tehran to Beirut is quite a solid strategic alliance."

We take these statements with a grain of salt it seems. Is this really true? I think actually most people believe this is true. And so this great contradiction. We easily and readily accept that Iran and Syria are financially backing Hezbollah but we do not believe that they are backing al-Qaeda? Or do we just as easily believe and accept that they are financially backing al-Qaeda but Iraq never was involved?

Here is the central premise of the War in Iraq. For some thirty years Islamic terrorists have been funded by the nation-states of the Middle East. Notice in the news today regarding Israel that these states act in concert and unity against Israel. They also act in concert and unison against the United States. Do you believe that they have no idea what the other is doing when it comes to funding terrorism?

Terrorism provides an organization of deniable plausibility for these nations. Through the arm of terrorism Middle-eastern countries can engage in acts of war almost at will and then deny and misinform a press that is easily misled and mislead or worse is traitorous.

When we become confused by the continual misinformation that lead to this war, we have to ask ourselves if being slowly boiled to death is really what we wanted all along or do we need to deal with the deception that is the middle east. They have been engaging us in various acts of war for thirty years. 9/11 was just the biggest attack. And with 9/11 it was harder to suggest to the people of the United States that it was an inside job or an accident.

Now think for a moment though. What if that could have been suggested that 9/11 was an inside job. What if the government had been able to convince American's that some US whacks had gone nutty and had pulled off 9/11.

Wouldn't that have made things much easier on the President? Think about it. If you were President, the easiest way to approach the job would be to hide problems and make it seem like everything is OK. Someone tell me why that wouldn't make a President more popular and liked by the people.

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