A 9/11 Who Dunnit?
This year of global warming has been unusually cold at my house. And because of the cold my pipe's froze and sprung a leak, completely watering down one of our bedrooms. I called one of my friends who is a plumber to come and fix it. After making the repairs the talk turned to the "fact" that 9/11 was an inside job. Done so that conspirators could pass the Patriot Act and take away our freedom. Well, this isn't the first time I'd heard this stuff. I have a friend, a software programmer who is very intelligent and very well read who is also completely convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. But that's not all, when I was young and going to college, I used to work as a research assistant at BYU. One of my projects was to build a tunnel cathode for none other than Steven Jones. At the time he was doing experiments with muon catalyzed fusion. Very interesting work and Dr. Jones was also a very interesting person. Now I see that Dr. Jones has joined the Scholars for Truth 9/11 conspiracy theorists. So I'm naturally curious about this topic. In fact curious enough that I've studied it somewhat myself. In part of my study process I emailed a reporter I very much respect named Jack Cashill. Jack Cashill reminds me of the old muckraker Jack Anderson. I might talk about both of them in more detail some other time. In any case, Jack wrote me back to say basically this: I knew Barbara Olsen, whenever I hear these theories come up I have to ask....where's Barbara?
Good question. Where is Barbara? Jack's point of course is that if it's an inside job you have to ask. Who dunnit, and how did they stage it. So let's play for a minute like 9/11 was an inside job and see what we discover. Our theory based on the 9/11 conspiracy stories is this:
Bush and Cheney dunnit. And the motive was to pass the Patriot Act. And we'll start with. They dunnit it with prepared explosives in the World Trade Center, three remote controlled planes, and a missile. Let's start with that missile. One of the center pieces of the 9/11 conspiracies believers is that photographic evidence suggests that a plane did not hit the Pentagon. They suggest that to penetrate the concrete and to coincide with the photographic evidence, a missile had to have been launched into the Pentagon. This is really one of my favorite parts in this entire theory. I love it. Now lets think for a minute or maybe even two. To pull this entire thing off in this first place would be an enormous undertaking. Just huge. When do you suppose Bush and Cheney got together and first started planning this? It would take serious planning and teamwork and logistics. Bush had been in office for what... 9 months? So did Bush and Cheny pull in Rice and Rumsfield from day 1? And then they pulled in military staff and others to begin a missile launch plan? All to pass the Patriot Act? And they all liked this idea? Ok, we'll revisit this topic later. But let's say these wacky people really had this as their main objective for getting into office. The first thing they do in planning this is to say, "Were going to launch the three remote control planes and then we'll launch a missile into the Pentagon". The reason we'll use the missile is to uh...well...it's to provide a way to expose ourselves in this whole thing. Nothing quite like launching a missile in the heart of Washington DC into the PENTAGON to do that. This is our way to announce to the world that we pulled an inside job. And were going to get away with it anyway.
Shall we think about this for even a minute more. Those people in the Pentagon are a freedom loving, patriotic, top notch group of people. Once the conspiracy planners flew the missile into the Pentagon, of course they knew that none of the evidence would be seen by anyone of these people and that none of them would say a word about it? Hmmm. Ok. Let's throw out the missile theory and go with another remote controlled plane being flown into the Pentagon.
So now were going with four remote controlled planes. Two in the trade center, one in the Pentagon, and one going down in Pennsylvania. Ok, let's play with this one. The way this theory works is that no passengers were on board. All the planes were remote controlled and flown into important targets to promote fear and to pass the Patriot Act. So I think the plane going down in Pennsylvania is really interesting. Think of the work involved to stage this. The remote control part would be the easiest part. Controlling the information is a huge problem. First, think about this. In cities all over the country your local reporters told stories of family members who got on a plane at their local airport on a specific flight and never came back. So....did the Bush administration get buy in from multitudes of people at the airlines to tell this story? Or are all your local media reporters helping to get the Patriot Act passed? Where did they put the people that did not get on the remote controlled planes but never came back? Have they killed or imprisoned them all? And did they really stage a hero show in Pennsylvania as part of this? Ok whatever. But really, the easier way to do this is to remote control the airline planes with the people in them and actually have the planes with people in them hit the buildings. It still takes a lot of effort to pull this off. Remember they had 9 months from start to finish in pull this off. So now, we still have this problem of producing enough of a show on the plane where passengers call real people at home to report terrorists on the plane. Now we're down to suggesting that maybe the cleanest and best way to pull this off is to actually hire some crazy Saudis to get on these planes and be terrorists. When all is said and done, this is really the best way to pull an inside job. It makes the information much easier to keep "safe". So do you hire crazy terrorists directly? No, instead you go through some guy that will tell them that they will be rewarded with virgins in heaven. You hire a guy like Osama Bin Laden. So now we're going with four real airline planes in the buildings with real people and terrorists on the plane under the direction of someone like Osama Bin Laden. This is the cleanest and easiest plan of all to carry out. Fewer evil people need to collaborate to make this happen. Fewer people need to be paid.
But what about the explosives in the Trade Center? This one is interesting because it exposes something else. It exposes the fact that Bush and Cheney must have really been working on this plan for a decade or more. And that Clinton and Gore were likely in on the deal! Why is this. Wait, don't you remember that the Trade Center had already been bombed once by purported terrorists in the Clinton Era? But why do I say Gore was in on this? Well it was either Gore or the Supreme Court that was in on it. Because had Bush not been elected Gore would have needed to continue the job which started in the Clinton era. The first bombing of the World Trade Center was the setup, but the job had to be completed. Gore would have had to complete it had Bush not been elected. But wait...maybe Gore didn't know, maybe it was the Supreme Court that knew and that's why they had to step in and make sure that Bush won.
So, here are another couple of points to make. If you believe this was all staged, then you believe in both tremendous brilliance and "bipartisan" collaboration of a large group of very evil people who's chief concern is to get the Partiot Act passed. With this many people involved it would be easier to just pass it in Congress without all the fuss. If you believe in all of this, you believe that in the midst of this brilliance these people would be so stupid as to launch a missile into the Pentagon. If you believe in all of this, here is one last question. Evil people love to glorify themselves. This is usually central to an evil nature. So, let's talk about Iraq for a minute. If these people could stage something like 9/11, then why in the world didn't they stage a Weapon's of Mass Destruction Easter egg hunt in Iraq? Even you and I can pull off an Easter egg hunt. Think about how much simpler this would have been to stage. We invade Iraq with "embedded" reporters. A small group of special forces puts the little WMD easter eggs in place, and our embedded reporters discover the WMD Easter eggs on live TV! Bush is then crowned king of the world!
Sorry folks, these people didn't pull a 9/11 inside job. And to the 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Until you can answer Mr. Cashill's question of where is Barbara? Without sounding like nut jobs, then your efforts to undermine and weaken the government are just as insidious as the efforts of the terrorists themselves. And in some respects your efforts are more insidious...because it's an inside job.
First off, I'm pretty sure the conspiracy community does not subscribe to your statement that the point of a possible inside job was to pass te patriot act. With out a doubt, the act never would have been passed with out a 9/11 event, but this was hardly "the reason." Lets be real here, congress passed the Patriot Act in such a ridiculously quick amount of time that none of them had the chance to read it front to back. Further, it is pointless to argue the motives of a group of people you don't understand or can clearly identify. Let’s instead resort to the facts.
Fact 1 - millions of people were in NYC that day, and if you revisit any of the on-site reporting from that day, almost every single person interviewed said they saw the first plain hit, followed by a "secondary explosion from under ground." I have a much easier time believing many people that were on site then any news report that, when filtered up to the top, is controlled by a handful of men who have more money then 99.9999% people can ever dream of having.
Fact 2 - Those buildings fell straight down in an obvious controlled demolition. Not only would airplanes not cause that much damage; not only does jet fuel not burn hot enough to melt or even weaken steel; not only did most of the fuel explode outside of the buildings as clearly seen on video; but those huge F*ing buildings would not have fallen straight down like that.
Fact 3 - America is in over its head in debt, the country has been running on credit for five years, and the dollar is completely dependent on oil. Guess what, the oil is running out. Not only are we lacking any sort of plan what so ever to keep civilization functioning the way it does with out oil to power every god damn thing we use (i.e. Planes, trains and automobiles), the men who run our government are oil tycoons.
So if 9/11 was an inside job here is the reason: The oil is running out, and the men in charge of the biggest and baddest guns would have a reason to go and take what is left, while pocketing billions of dollars of American tax payer money. Your children will hate you for your ignorance when they are poor and cold. Now run along and hide under a desk to save you from the nuclear explosions. Got to love fear-mongering.
Mike, age 23.
"Men who read great books have no power over men who don't know how."
I would say while you have (perhaps) debunked a particular theory, you have not done much towards debunking 9/11 as an "inside job".
Try this one for size: Barbara Olsen was incinerated along with everyone else when the plane hit. bin Laden made a deal with his old CIA contacts, who provided him with funding and kept the FBI off his back until he could complete the mission, in return we would not support the Saudis when in N years he would attempt to instigate a coup. This attack would provide the political will needed for an Iraq invasion, which (if it had gone well) would provide us with a long term base in the Middle East as well as access to a sizable oil reserve. Instead of honoring our deal, we double-crossed him and killed him in Afghanistan.
True? Probably not. Possible to disprove? Very very hard.
I agree with you, thanks for the help in this question. As always all ingenious is simple.
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