Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Rationale On Proposition 8

Having read many articles debating for and against proposition 8, the most dominant argument is obviously name calling. When I was a kid in grade school this often seemed like a very good way to make a point and apparently for the most vocal in the debate it still is. The religious argument has also been a large part of the argument. But at last the reason we have so many churches is because so many have a different opinion of what the Bible actually means, making it impossible to really gain clarity. The religious debate almost always degenerates back into name calling. There is also debate on the grounds of tradition. The tradition debate has valid points on both sides of the debate and is probably the most carefully thought out that I have seen. But what I haven't seen is a statement for or against proposition 8 based on simple reason and logic. I love the words of Georg Hegel which state that...what is rational will be. So I thought I'd give my best shot at a rationale on proposition 8. Ultimately reason can provide the best ground for progress in any debate.

In thinking of each individuals relationship with society, it's a symbiosis. Each individual relies on a healthy society to have the most possible freedom proffered to them. Conversely, society is reliant on the sum of it's individuals to create the best conditions for all. Easily stated, hardly done. But there are some obvious requirements for a "healthy society". The aged rely on those who are younger for their strength and even sustenance. Society relies on the very young for the enthusiasm and joy they bring into the world and for the continuance of society itself. It is sometimes forgotten in this age of disrespect but society is extraordinarily reliant on the old for their wisdom and experience. These different demographic groups are related to society in a mutualistic way. It's easy for anyone to see that infants must rely on someone older for sustenance and that we rely on infants for society to continue.

Now with regard to the issue of same sex marriages. An easy mental experiment is to ask, what becomes of society if all marriages are same sex marriages? Of course that's easy to answer. It doesn't continue. In fact it doesn't even last a single generation because nobody is around to provide sustenance and assistance to this aging society. Now in my mind I can hear the geek in the back of the class with the tape wrapped on his glasses saying...but you could use artificial insemination to continue this society. But honestly that kind of society is not only on life support but the defibrillator is charged and the doctor is yelling "CLEAR" for the third time.

So where are we? If we think of a symbiosis, the relationship of this demographic group to society is at best commensal. Meaning that this demographic absolutely relies on a healthy society for it's continuance, but it's not as clear that society requires this demographic for it to continue. In other words, the homosexual demographic actually has a greater interest than a typical demographic, in supporting and sustaining "traditional" marriage. I now resort to the name calling of my youth I suppose because I want to join in the fun. With these arguments everyone can now be called a bigot. Those for Proposition 8 are bigoted homosexual haters or religious bigots and those against Proposition 8 are bigoted society haters.

But I digressed for just a moment. Returning to the higher ground of logic. When we think beyond ourselves and towards others or in other words towards our society. Whether homosexual or heterosexual we all need a healthy society. Many in this debate are young now, but they will become old and in that day we all pay for what we've done to our society either to our benefit or our detriment. Let us make our choices not just for our todays', but for all of us in our tomorrows.


Anonymous said...

Problem is... getting married doesn't require that you have children.

Children are not mandatory and is not what marriage is about.

(Indeed, you can make babies without even getting married.)

Anonymous said...

And what the hell point are you trying to make with this 'What if ALL marriages were same-sex'? idiocy?

Nobody wants that. Nobody expects that. All the homosexuals are asking for is equal treatment, not to force anything on anybody. As always, it's the religious who are forcing their lifestyle and mores on everyone else, by attempting to legislate away the rights of one group after another.

Your 'rationale' is damned irrational, I gotta say.

Looking at your other articles, I begin to see a pattern. Why am I not surprised?