The MO of our political parties is now full press demonic caricature. They do it not for love of country but for love of power. When We the people refuse to participate with them. When we refuse to stoop to their level, we will regain our power to control our government.
As citizen's who love country more than party, we need to realize that a central principle for civil progress is to find the common ground that we share. Listening less to the shrill voices of special interests and more to our own "internal" voice of reason and civility.
Jesus Christ once stated that we should "agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way with them". In modern parlance, this means find the common ground quickly. Once we can find common ground, their is always more common ground. Because as humans we have so much more in common than we have that divides us.
So what does this have to do with Rush Limbaugh whom the Democrats cast as the head of the Republican party and as an evil stupid man. And what does this have to do with George Soros, whom the Republicans cast as the "shadow" head of the Democratic party and who is also cast as an evil stupid man.
If you read the writings of George Soros as nearly as I can tell, his first concern has been about removing George Bush from office. He once stated that he would give up all of his wealth if he could guarantee former President Bush's removal from office. He also has apparently felt that the United States has too much power. As nearly as I can tell, he wouldn't mind if more of that power was subjugated to the United Nations.
Rush is less difficult to read. Nearly everyday of his life he states that the Federal government has too much power. Simple as that.
From an international perspective, there is certainly resentment world wide because the United States has so much power. Every effort is made by foreign nations and peoples to effect the outcome of our elections because the United States is so powerful.
Now we have the tea party revolt. The main issue in the tea party revolt is that our Federal government has too much power.
Anyone notice a trend here? Replace the term United States with Federal government and you will realize that the entire world is unanimous.
Our Federal Government has too much power! Our President has too much power! Our Congress has too much power! And everyone violently and unanimously agrees. So if everyone agrees, why does the Federal Leviathan continue to grow in power?
I think in major part because we are so busy casting one another as stupid evil people that we don't see how completely we agree. So for a moment, assuming we all agree and understand that the Leviathan is out of control. How are the two parties seeking to solve the problem?
From a liberal perspective as nearly as I can understand. There are two approaches to taming the power of the Federal Leviathan. First, get your righteous person in power and all will be well. Because the President has so much power, they must be righteous to weld that power. And second, using the Lion tamer approach, try and have the UN tame that power.
From the conservative perspective as nearly as I understand. There are two approaches to taming the Federal Leviathan. First, get your righteous person in power, and second talk about making government smaller.
Of course the liberal approach won't work because the Leviathan grants and takes away power from the UN as it desires. And because the righteous person is never omniscient, which is really the requirement for someone granted with so much power.
The conservative approach will never work either. Because of precedence. At this point in time their is little that the President and Congress don't allow themselves to do. So a political "conservative" can be elected to office. But with so much power granted to them, really how do they withhold? How can they restrain from using their unlimited power? I would ask any "conservative" to walk for a mile in the President's shoes, and they will understand that to relieve issues they feel strongly about they would overstep conservative bounds to do it. So again, conservatives have the liberal dilemma, their righteous person is never omniscient and is only human.
So what if we all know that too much power is the problem and that we all agree on that. This in itself is a beginning. Taking time to consider the problem. I'll probably write a follow on suggesting some approaches to solving the problem. But for now I welcome your comments and feedback.
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