Saturday, August 08, 2009

Why It's Time for American's to Divorce their Political Party

The Philosopher Hegel stated that.."What is Rational Will Be". The Christians state it a little differently, but it's more complete "The Truth Will Prevail".

Thus the person who reasons most carefully, most truthfully begins to appear to be a prophet. For they speak of things that will inevitably happen if we don't change.

George Washington in his Farewell Address to the nation warned against the dangers of political parties. He carefully outlined what would happen, and we are now experiencing those effects very deeply. His warnings were prophetic, and it is now time to heed him.

The sad state of our political parties is that they are now so distrustful of one another and now so glutonous for power that they would ally with foreign powers to gain advantage over thier political enemies. And those enemies also happen to be American's.

They are now like a divorced couple, perpetually blaming each other for past errors and seldom solving problems. In fact they now increase problems because their custody battle for the American people will stop at nothing to maintain control.

This is not new, it has happened before. When the founders of this nation came together, they were in it together. They trusted each other with thier lives. Together they created a revolutionary system that moved away from Aristocracy towards a new system of Meritocracy. The system they created is well reasoned, with an objective that was clearly in behalf of "We the People". But once elections began, those same men became bitter and distrustful rivals. Brilliant men like Hamilton and Jefferson hated each other. And at times their were real reasons for mistrust. After all Hamilton did really try to hire a King from Europe, and Jefferson as a member of Washington's cabinet was a "backstabber" to the president.

With lesson's from the past, and prophetic warnings from our first president. It's time for us to side with Goerge Washington's uncommonly Common Sense. We the People must declare independance from the political parties. We can no longer afford to ally ourselves with them. We must separate from them. In doing so we will choose our representatives in a new way. It will be subtly revolutionary. For we will quietly no longer tolerate their Nazi name calling caricatures of each other. Mostly because we will no longer participate with them. When they begin to caricature and name call, we will no longer pass along the chain mail. Rather we will call our representatives and tell them to knock it off.

Encourage your friends and neighbors to ally with each other, in behalf of America, and not in behalf of a political party. They are an old and outdated thing and ought to die with the dinosaur.

Encourage your neighbors to go and learn what this thing means to "Agree with thine adversary quickly while thou art in the way him". It means to find the common ground. We have alot of it as American's. Thier are significant differences too that cannot be ignored. But they can be dealt with more readily when we first seek common ground. In this way we begin a new type of debate that is reminicent of the founders BP (Before Parties).

Now is the time for all American's to band together against our political parties and to band together in behal of each other as American's.

Let's Do It.

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