Thursday, February 08, 2007

Einstein's Theory of Absolutivity

Consider this; Einstein's theory of Relativity is based on the premise that the speed of light is absolutely constant. And since light is constant then time had to be the relative factor. And so it is that Einstein's theory might well have been better named the Theory of Absolutivity.

And if named the Theory of Absolutivity, we have to wonder, what would have become of the moral relativists. At once the theory of relativity became a standard for rational thinking in science and a gateway of stupidity for social scientists. But give social science it's due, their genius really is that they hijacked brilliance to masquerade their own moronic thinking.

Moral relativism as a concept is not really new and neither is it brilliant. Brilliance really comes when we humbly recognize two things. Truth exists, and you and I still don't know much about it. But we seek truth and because we recognize that we don't know all truth, or very little truth for that matter, we allow as much free-agency for each individual as possible to discover truth for themselves. If the moral relativists can hijack Einstein's Theory of Relativity then I shall hijack his Theory of Absolutivy to say this one thing. In the world of religion, light and truth are considered to be synonymous terms. And so as light is constant so truth is constant. When we abide by those things that bring us light and good in our lives, we abide by the truth.

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